Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Brief 5-month Update

It's been a while.  5 months, almost to the day.  So much has happened in the last 5 months.  So many changes.  So many ups, so many downs.  To name a few...

-school was HARD.  The semester change was HARD.  We all got burnt out around week 11 (simply because week 11 isn't supposed to exist for the students of Ohio University).  I took TWO production classes; one was a joke, one was legit.  I learned an immense amount.

-leading YoungLife was HARD, but as always, very rewarding.  We took 3 girls and 7 boys to Fall Weekend for the first time in Nelsonville-York YL history.  Our team learned how to function with only 4 people instead of 6.  We attended countless amounts of football games.  Met some real precious kids.  My only girl co-leader, Erin, is taking her last semester of college to really buckle down and find herself a job, and thus, stop leading, so it'll just be me, Tim, and Cooper on Team N-Y for the next solid year.  It should be a really fun struggle.  I'm excited!

-paying bills and rent was a really good learning experience.  And hard.  So was living with 3 of my best friends.  But I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.  I wouldn't trade my roommates for anyone else.  We mesh extremely well, although we're still learning how to love one another to the fullest.  One day at a time.

-having a car was AWESOME.  Mom and Dad are saints.  We couldn't find one quick enough from one of the dealerships before I went back to school, so they let me take one of the cars they own back to school.  Which means no one except me can drive it.  You break it, you buy it, as they say.

-trying to figure out life and my future was HARD.  And scary.  I don't plan my life out anymore, though.  I've learned that plans are going to change on me anyway, whether I like it or not, so I just take a step back and let Him handle it.  So far, He's done a good job.  I have an interview with a post-production company in a week for an internship this summer.  I'm sitting down with the president of the company and his creative director.  I have no idea what I'm wearing.

-being home on break has been a joy.  But also hard.  I sometimes miss the freedoms I have at school (like closing my bedroom door and pretending I'm not in there when someone knocks).  Mom always knows where I am.  But I wouldn't trade my family in for a new one.  Not ever.   

Thus, it's been a hard (did you get that?), but enjoyable 5 months.  Here's to the next 5!  And a couple more blog posts in between.  And Dory's voice a little louder in my head.