Sunday, March 20, 2011

L.A. Bound!!

I'm sitting in the JFK Airport in NYC.  This is the first time I've flown alone.  Ever.  I had to fight back the tears as I walked away from mom and dad at the Buffalo airport.  At least til I found my gate.

That was a couple of hours ago, and I'm feeling much better.  It still hasn't truly hit me that I'm going to Los Angeles.  How many college freshmen get to do this?  Not many, I can assure you.  The reason I decided to start blogging was actually for this reason alone.  My parents and friends (and anyone else who wants to I guess) can check out what cool opportunities I'll be getting all week.  I'm getting 4 credit hours for this week.  You should see college kids faces when I tell them that.  "You get to spend a week in LA and get credit for it?!"  Yep.  Thanks Coop.  

Roger Cooper, my professor, is a puzzling person.  He knows an immense amount of people in LA who work in the largest film studios and media corporations.  He's been on multiple television shows, including The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and Scrubs simply because he's buddies with a producer here and director there.  He could probably very easily have a job at any big-time-money-maker movie studio he wanted.  Yet he continues to teach college students at OU about the importance of networking, cover letters, and thank you notes.  I guess that's what happens when you love your job that much.  No amount of money or fame or good weather could pull you away from it.  I want that someday.  

For now, I'm gonna enjoy the week.  I'm looking forward to every second of it.  Prayers for my safety and health are much appreciated.  Hopefully my next update will have some awesome details concerning whatever the heck we're doing this week!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you big time Angela! You're going to do some amazing things!
