Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Constant Change

Change is constant.  Even when life is throwing you the same routine everyday, change is happening behind your back anyway.

I went home to Buffalo for Thanksgiving and just got back to school yesterday.  Those six weeks threw me more than I expected, but so far, I'm handling it.  Break was actually great.  I got to work, which means I made enough money to get on an airplane for a YoungLife Christmas Party in Columbus and actually do some decent Christmas shopping.  And buy Mighty Taco.  That's tied with being the best reason for making money.  That and being able to afford out-of-state tuition.

I got to hang out with my family and see my boyfriend for more than an hour over my computer screen.  Spending quality time with the people I love definitely gets better as I get older.  I caught up with a few old friends, which is a rare occurrence since my school break is majorly shifted compared to everyone else's. 

My old YoungLife leader, Mary Beth, got married a few days ago, to a man she met while teaching and fulfilling her God call in Honduras.  I had the privilege of watching her niece and his spanish speaking toddler nephew and infant niece one night while the family was out doing wedding things.  It was a challenge, especially with the 3-year-old who was getting out of his baby talk stage.  It's a challenge to understand English speaking 3-year-olds, let alone another language.  It was a fun night though.  I learned a lot, too.  Pajamas is pronounced "Pay-YA-maz" in spanish, NOT "Pa-HA-mas."  I felt like a dog chasing my tail as I tried to get him to locate his pj's, or as I started referring to them, "the clothes that you sleep in!"

I'm pretty sure my mom and God sit down and have coffee every morning to discuss my future, because she makes comments and puts ideas into my head that make me completely rethink my whole life plan.  I'm going to school to graduate as a video major, but suddenly am now seriously contemplating teaching a foreign language.  You can't make this stuff up.

In other news, my boyfriend's parents sold their house in Buffalo and are moving to Virginia Beach.  Not that I blame them.  But it does sorta put a kink in plans down the road, depending on where Mike now chooses to live.  I'm not freaking out.  God's got this. 

My cousin's in California are struggling.  My cousin Camille, who's had cancer for a while, is nearing the end of her battle.  She was told on Saturday that she's got about a month or two left in this life. She'll leave behind a faithful husband and three beautiful little boys.  Again, God's got this.  Although I admit I'm freaking out.

Home was too comfortable to leave this time around.  I didn't want to leave my bed, my shower where I don't have to wear flip flops, my Tim Hortons, Mighty Taco, Red Robin, and Target.  My grandparents.  My sister.  My mommy and daddy.  The call of Athens was not nearly as loud as it was last year.  Not that I can complain, because my parents often remind me of a little place called the University of Buffalo right down the road.  But deep down, I'm happy with the college choice I've made. 

Classes started today and it's "back to the grind" as mom always says.  I'm still getting into the swing of being back.  I'll have dinner with everyone tonight and be fine, most likely.  And gear up for a new quarter! 

Change is constant.  Luckily, God is too.  Funny how that kinda stuff works out.

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