Thursday, May 19, 2011

Procrastinate Now, Don't Wait 'til Later

(P.S. This isn't a blog post for school, yay!)

Procrastination WILL be the death of me.  Today is Thursday.  Tomorrow, I have a 5 page critical essay due for English 151 that I haven't even STARTED yet.  Also due tomorrow is a full blown 30 second animation and character drawing for my Media 203 class (the one I write the blogs for) that I also have not even begun to think about.  From talking to other people in these classes, it sounds as though these two things averaged together will take a total of about 7 or 8 hours.  And what am I doing right now?  It's 10:30am and I'm blogging.  I'm procrastinating while writing about my procrastination.  If my mother is reading this, she might be having a heart attack.

I've never been a procrastinator.  When I was younger (like elementary and middle school), I would come home from school and sit at the counter in the kitchen and do all of my homework.  Seriously, I was that kid.  All of my homework was done by 4pm (when it only took an hour to do homework), and I had the rest of the night to myself.  Now, homework takes me about 4-6 hours a day.  Sometimes I have my boyfriend change my facebook password so I can't log on, and when that happens, the amount of time it takes me to complete homework will get cut maybe in half.  Sometimes he'll just take the initiative and I won't even have to ask him to change it.  Is my procrastination problem that obvious?  Maybe so.

Even with facebook gone, though, I'll turn to other things.  IMDB, YouTube, StumbleUpon (that's my big weakness); sometimes I'll even check my email 5 times in 15 minutes just so I won't have to do what I need to.  When did this become such an issue?  I don't like staying up into the early hours in the morning to accomplish what I could've accomplished 3 days ago.  I'm not really sure where I was going with this post, but I think I figured it out.  I'm making a pledge to myself (and my mom) that procrastination will no longer be the death of me.  I cannot and I will not be tempted with stupid websites or redecorating or cleaning or anything that will keep me from my work anymore.  Take that, Satan.  This past week I think I've been the most stressed than I have been all quarter.  You know why?  Because I've been thinking about these two things I have to do, I have to do, I have to do.  I spent all this time worrying and thinking and stressing instead of just, eh hem, DOING them.  It seems so simple, doesn't it?  Maybe it is that simple.  This is definitely one of those times where I wish Dory was actually here.  I'll give my 6th grade self a try again.  However, positive thoughts and prayers my way are still very much appreciated.

Also, if you've actually been taking the time to read my blogs for school, thank you.  They might not be the most fun to read, but I think I actually learn something, whether it be about the class or about myself, every time I do them.  Pretty cool.

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