Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hitting the Wall

Well, I think I've officially hit the wall.  During my first week here, I felt myself improving with my spanish within the first two days of being here.  I got better and better at understanding Piedad and my professors and being able to communicate myself as the week went on.

However, now, I feel like I'm back in 7th grade learning spanish for the first time.  And I'm not the only one who thinks this.  I've had confirmation from my compañeros (classmates). Classes are harder to sit through since I pick up maybe half of what my professors are saying and I find myself asking "What? Say that again? Pardon me?" way more than I want to.  It's a tad frustrating but my prediction is that this is just the sucky second week.  Haven't you heard of this?  It's a thing.  Studies show that [insert problem here] tends to get worse before it can get better.  When I was in high school, my second quarter grades would always be way worse than my first quarter grades, but I'd bring them up.  After exercising, the second day of your muscles being sore is literally so much more painful than the first day, but you stretch em out and they relax a bit.  I can only imagine a second trimester of a pregnancy must blow...people aren't sure if you're prego or not because you've got that little pooch but nothing substantial to hold a baby...I think I may be getting off topic.  The point is, this second week here will most likely end with me believing I'll never speak spanish again and the poof!  We'll all be pros from there on out.

I went to a dance class last night!  We learned a little bit of flamenco and salsa and meringue.  It was...interesting.  My hips hurt afterwards, no joke.  And my wrists from doing that little spiny thing with them.

Today I had a pretty eventful day.  My theater class is so boss.  Little do my classmates know I was that kid in high school.  The one who did all the plays and musicals.  Not ashamed.  This class is so fun!  Today we improv-ed and acted out scenes in front of each other.  For our final exam, we have to put on a play for the entire student body studying at UCLM (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) this summer.  That's about 200, if you're curious.  I'm only slightly concerned because we haven't been told anything about it yet and we've only got 3 weeks to go after tomorrow.  Hopefully scripts will be allowed on stage.

After class, our professor explained to us that there was a photo crew there from "Dos UCLM," which is basically an organization that works for the university and promotes awesome learning and love around campus.  They were looking for volunteers to have their picture taken with a big red heart drawn somewhere on their body, so we did!  Most the boys had them drawn on their biceps.  I would've too but didn't want to embarrass them.  I'll post the link where the pictures will be when they're up!

I didn't have time for a siesta today because we took a field trip to the largest cathedral in Toledo.  It was huge.  And looked pretty similar to the ones we've seen.  My history teacher really likes to repeat himself, which is great, because it gets engrained into your brain, but it sucks, because it's engrained into your brain.  We get it, Davíd.  Góticos = siglos doce, trece, y catorce, entonces las romanes, con arcos y vidieras...see?  I can repeat this stuff in my sleep.

Piedad made me a cheeseburger tonight.  What a woman.

1 comment:

  1. Lovin every minute of reading your blog Angela. Your right, it gets tougher before it gets easier...with anything...but you know what THEY say, "just keep swimming"
    I love you Baby Girl, Papá.
