Saturday, June 16, 2012

That One Time in Madrid

Well then.  Today has been quite a day.  We got into Madrid this morning at around 7am (an 8 hour flight altogether) but it seriously feels like that was days ago.  Thankfully I have a travel buddy, Cassie; I have no idea how I would've managed without her.  When we got off the plane we tried not to look like total American newbs but I know it didn't matter how hard we tried...I felt like I had "Dumb American" stamped to my forehead.  We checked our big luggage into this place that has big lockers for such purposes, but the people at the desk didn't speak much English at all so it was super hard trying to figure out what we were supposed to do.  Between being tired from the flight and trying to become familiar with the new surroundings, I couldn't think of how to say practically anything in Spanish.  After finally checking our baggage we tried finding the bus to take us to our hostel, which was a nightmare in itself since we didn't even know really where we needed to go or which bus to take, so we just ended up getting a taxi!  Our driver was friendly but she didn't speak any English, so we warmed up our brains by telling her we were students from the US (actually I think she guessed where we were from, dammit) studying abroad.  It was a good 20 minute drive so I thought for sure there would be no one from our program around the area, but it turns out I booked the most popular hostel in all of Madrid!  It wouldn't look like it from the outside (it took about 20 minutes of us walking up and down the street before we saw the door appear out of freaking Narnia) and it's super sketchy until you get up the stairs.  It's very clean; there are a few kitchens and bathrooms and showers, the walls are painted, and there are free bowls of churros EVERYWHERE.  Nom nom.

Cassie and I decided to plop down at a table next to a girl on her laptop while we waited for our room to be cleaned since we arrived a little early for check in.  She was from Argentina and didn't speak any English at all but we talked for a good 15 minutes with her.  She was awesome and super patient while we stumbled over our words.  After our room opened up, I passed out for literally 6 and a half hours.  I would've kept sleeping if Cassie didn't wake me up to go explore.

Madrid looks a lot like New York City, except a lot older.  The buildings look antique but there are bright neon signs everywhere you go.  Fashion is such a huge thing here.  All of the shops up and down the streets are super upscale.  Men wear their collars popped with chokers (I mean really?).  Women are dressed in big get ups and most of them aren't too modest about how much cleavage they allow the world to see.  Gay love is loud and proud!  Men are mackin' on each other everywhere you go, and I definitely saw one guy give his partner a big ass-squeeze today.  I couldn't help but giggle.  Cassie and I came back and napped some more and then went out for dinner around 10pm.  It was still light outside!  We had chicken salad with tomatoes and bacon on toasted bread and french fries; it was called "tosta," go figure.  It was delicioso.

We meet the big group at the airport tomorrow at noon to be taken to Toledo!  I emailed my host mom, Piedad today; she responded with "Oh, you have a very Spanish name.  We won't have any trouble getting along."  I already love this woman.  I burned her son an American music mix CD; threw some Mumford, Of Monsters and Men, and Zac Brown on there.  And of course, Call Me Maybe.  He better freaking like it.

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